Q. I left my laptop on, because I took my other computer to the technician for a check-up (some of you might remember what happened to that computer) and so the battery of the laptop was not being charged, so the battery was dead, because I didn't put on the adapter. Now, a whole new problem has arised. The laptop is not charging even when it is turned off. I tried to switch the adapter to several different plugs, but the charge light was still not going on. I tried to turn on the laptop but after 5-10 seconds, it quickly turned off. It feels as if the laptop is dead. I am not sure, how to bring the battery back to life. Can anyone please help?
buying a new battery, then trying it in the laptop and seeing if it will charge. If it does then that means your current batter is toast and needs to be disposed of, if it doesn't charge it either means you have a bad AC adapter or the internal charging system of your laptop is bad. At that point I would suggest taking it in and having it looked at by a tech and then decide if you want to try to have what every is wrong fixed/replaced or getting a new laptop.