If you want to add a place or eliminate an item on the “Send to” menu that you don’t use it isn’t that hard to do:
1. Right-click your Start Button, Explore.
2. Head to the Windows\Send to\ folder (it’s probably just above the folder you landed in when Explorer opened).

Special Note for XP users:
If you’re using Win XP, you’ll need to make sure you have your computer set to Show Hidden Files and Folders . You can do this under Explorer by hitting the Tools menu, Folder Options . Next hit the View tab. You’ll see an option for “Show Hidden Files and Folders” there. Select that and hit OK. You’ll be able to see the Send To menu under the Documents and Settings/USER NAME folder (The USER NAME is the name you use for your custom settings on XP).
3. To remove items you don’t want listed on the menu, just delete them. To add items, just drag their shortcut to the folder (I drag them right from the desktop / taskbar). Note that you want to use your RIGHT mouse button to do this. If you drag with your left mouse button, you may remove the shortcut from it’s original location. If you right-click and drag, when you release you get a handy little menu that lets you choose to copy, move, etc. Choose Copy .
As a quick for instance, I didn’t have MS Word as an option in my ” Send to ” menu, so I dragged and dropped its little shortcut icon into the Send to folder. I now have the option of sending something to MS Word.
Please note that you can’t use this menu to “force” a program to open a particular type of file. If you’re trying to make Outlook Express open a DLL file, it just ain’t gonna work.
You can also add a folder shortcut to your “Send To” menu, giving you the ability to send files to that folder quickly and easily. I know it’s sounds a little complicated, but you’ll see what I mean.
1. Right-Click your Start button, Explore .
2. Head to your Windows\Send to\ folder (it’s probably just above the folder you’re currently in).
Again, if you’re using Win XP, you’ll need to make sure you have your computer set to Show Hidden Files and Folders .
3. Use your RIGHT mouse button (yes the right one) to drag a folder to your Send To folder.
4. You’ll get a menu that will give you several options, including